Scheduled sessions
as of Feb. 18, 2022
40 tips in 40 minutes
A conversation with Sona Patel, of The New York Times
A shot in the dark: Low-light performance photography
AAJA-LA & SPJ/LA: Landing a journalism internship & opening the door to your career
Accessing police records
Adding some visual interest to your designs
Advertising sales basics
Advertising sales in the Digital Age
Adviser reception
Advisers: Navigating the change happening in your newsroom
Advisers’ roundtable: Advising in exhausting, newsy times
Affinity groups: Asian journalists, Black journalists, Latino/a/x journalists, LGBTQ+ journalists, women in journalism
AP style kahoot
Be hyper-specific: How I reached a mass audiences with unique stories from communities of color
Being an effective leader / Parts 1-3
Breaking down brand barriers
Breaking into music journalism wherever you are
Bringing back the luster
Building a strong staff
Building bridges
Building community: It’s not just about the campus
Building diversity, equity and inclusion into your newsroom’s culture
Building philanthropic support for student journalism
Can I publish this? A self-directed pre-publication review to keep out of legal trouble
Canva bootcamp
Coaching the coaches: Developing leadership on your staff
College Media Trust Program
Concision: Writing in the active voice
Conversations with pros
COVI(D)isruption: Digital transformation
Create in living color
Creating your own brand: Getting a job in journalism
Creative ways to tell stories on Instagram
Creativity is a team sport
Cuentame tu historia: Traversing the barricades of language
Cursing cheerleaders, student expression and the First Amendment
Design innovation, art direction and conceptual thinking
Design is storytelling
Don’t kill the pulp. Repurpose it: How to turn your broadsheet into a magazine to win readers
Drawing timely viewpoints: Editorial and opinion cartooning
El Leñador: Bilingual news serving diverse communities on and off campus.
Email newsletter workshop
Engage your audience: PR tips & social media tricks
Expectations and realities
Feedback loop
Finding a compelling feature photo
Finding the smoking gun: How to solve cold cases and break new historical ground
Finding the why
Finding your dream gig after graduation
Four times a year
Freelancing: Is it right for you?
From community college journalism to four-year: Transfer and beyond
From survive to thrive
Game coverage for print and digital
Get your head in the game: Sports photography tips
Great designers are inspired
Hacks for covering state government
Handling news and press releases: They’re not the story
Hired: Getting ready for your first journalism job
How to manage your friends
How to pitch and produced social video
How to print money from political advertising
Implementing Solutions Journalism in your social-justice reporting
Institutional history of The Voice newspaper at Glendale Community College
Introducing The New York Times Corps
It’s all about the content
It’s all in the message: How to attract a new breed of journalism students
Jump start next year’s book
Keepin’ it real: Presented by the Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles
Keynote: Audience engagement in collegiate media
Keynote: South Los Angeles homeless project
Keynote: Steve Padilla, in a moderated conversation
Keynote: Why journalism still matters
Leading out of the pandemic and into enormous change
Let’s get linear
Magazine design deep dive
Make fundraising part of your student-media program
Make your work work for you: Utilizing the digital ecosystem to prolong the life of your dontent
Making the jump into a local news market
MARVELous leadership
More than wires and towers: How to make climate change a must-read in your market
Multi-platform storytelling
My West Coast publication is better than your East Coast publication
News Design 101
No right-clicking allowed: How to publish without getting sued
Our branding journey
Perfecting the profile
Photo editing: More than meets the eye
Planning for 2023 success
Powerful stories: How student journalists amplify community voices
PR 101 for advisers: How to promote your student media organization
Preparing the next generation of bilingual journalists
Putting faces to facts: The local edge on national stories
Recruiting and training your advertising staff
Recruiting for a constantly changing newsroom
Refresh and revive: Rethinking the news website
Reinventing student media
Reporting in controversy: Protests, social justice
Reporting on Latino/a/x communities
Reporting on social-justice issues
Reporting the rainbow: covering and serving the queer community
Reporting with the senses: Learning to be fully present in the local communities
Roundtables in newspaper, yearbook, magazine, design & photojournalism
Silenced sources: When a global pandemic, college reputations and student media collide
Smart interviewing: Simple rules for interviewing almost anybody
Solutions Journalism reporting
Special sections can save your media organization
Sports and society
Sports journalism: A conversation with Marcus Thompson
Sports journalism: the ‘Scared Straight’ version
Sports ledes that work
Sports podcasts
Student-professor collaborations: How to produce a publishable project with your students
Students roundtable: Producing student media in historic and grueling times
Surviving in a pandemic
Telling your own story
The adviser’s index: A playbook for common situations and how to handle them
The First Amendment needs us
The future of eBooks
Tips for live tweeting
Trauma and interviewing
Turning pro
Turning your reporting into a podcast
TV investigative news: Yes, you can do it. No, it won’t kill you.
Tweeting your sports story 135
Typography: Pivotal choices
Video from the ground up
Visual storytelling
Watch your language
What to do when you’re toast
What’s your type?
Where the First Amendment ends and the private university begins
Why is the SID such an SOB
Why religion reporting matters in the 21st Century
Words aren’t hard: Narrative ledes
Writing a compelling story about a speaker or panel
Writing a great opinion piece
Your newsletter is your new front page
Your sports page sucks
Registration closes Feb. 21.
> Register for the ACP Spring National College Media Conference.