Tentative breakout sessions
As of Feb. 10, 2023
Here’s a list of our tentative breakout sessions, with more to come.
“Distrust everything I say. I am telling the truth.”
360-degree storytelling
A shot in the dark: Low-light performance photography
Add research to your toolbox
Add sparkle to your feature magazine design
Advertising sales basics
Advisers’ legal roundtable
AI presents an opportunity for media change
AI tools for journos: 10 ways you can use them in your newsroom
Analytics, analysis and anecdotes: Advancing game and team coverage
Ask the lawyer
Ask the tough questions
Becoming a bilingual (English/Spanish) journalist
Beyond the newsroom: Journalism scholarship and creative activities
Beyond traditional illustration
Breaking into music journalism wherever you are
Broadcast reporting
Building an alumni network to support collegiate journalists
Building and growing your digital sales
Can I publish this? A self-directed pre-publication review to avoid legal trouble
Chicken salad: Radical redesign and rewriting
Collaborative coverage on homelessness and poverty
College Student Press Freedom 101: Hands off
Combating sexism in sports journalism
Contests and culture
Correct me if I’m wrong
Covering the trans community
Covering the unconscionable
Crafting the frame: Composition, moment and gesture in photo and video
Creating Pacemaker winning books and a centennial book
DEI journalism for a living
Disrupting the good ol’ boys club
Edit 50 seconds of news video in 50 minutes
Editor-in-grief 1: Rule with an iron fist. Wear a velvet glove.
Editor-in-grief 2: Embrace the fear and relish the chaos.
El Leñador: Improving diversity in the newsroom & in reporting
Fitting in the news: Creating personalized interactives
FOIA and Access to Information 101
From writer to author
Going mobile: Build a native app from start to finish
Going vertical: Breaking into TikTok & IG reels
How student journalists can rock social media
How to build a career-focused résumé
How to cover a music festival before you’re old enough to drink at one
How to cover protests
How to start a podcast
How to thrive in a TV newsroom
In the thick of it: Use video to immerse viewers in your story
Intro to R for data journalism
Investigative vs. mandatory reporting: How universities weaponize Title IX against journalists
It’s not about you: Perspectives and identities that inform journalistic media
Journalism innovation hackathon. A brainstorming contest
Keep it together. Stress, deadlines and the unexpected
Keep your design headlines or art heads simple
Landing your first journalism job
Latinx journalists roundtable
Life in front of the camera
Life’s too short for boring social media
Listening is as important as seeing in news photography
Long-term residents: Photography and journalism
Love and journalism
Magazine writing: Help for newbies and help for editors
Make a better sports page
Managing and motivating your peers in advertising and marketing
Maximize your community college journalism career
Mentoring and professional development in the collegiate press
Mobile-first design for data visualizations
Much more than choosing fonts
News reporting and storytelling from the ethics of care perspective
Now what? Managing the unexpected
Olympics, conventions and collegeplanned news events
Personal branding 101: Selling yourself in the digital era
Photojournalism ethics and the Bok model
Post with intention: Crafting platform-specific social strategy
Power in numbers: Building compelling data-driven stories
Public Records 101
Public Records 101: You’d be surprised how much information you can get
Public records and private schools
Put to practice: Interviewing strategies for success
Q&A: Ask the (former) interns
Recruiting and training advertising staff
Reels, reels, reels: Video storytelling for social media
Reflections on covering a pandemic
Reporting on private college and university campuses
Saving journalism by rethinking it: The post-traditional journalism movement
Solutions journalism in your newsroom
Special sections that lead to class credit, events and big revenues
Staffing in a perfect world
Start the year here with a staff retreat
Stop, collaborate and listen: How student journalists amplify community voices in local news
Strategies for creating standout videos
Striking a balance: Meeting student needs in a changing profession
Successful regional magazines
Talking to strangers: The eager, the reluctant and even the haters
The 21st century game story
The ABCs of L-I-B-E-L
The accessibility beat, beyond the screen reader
The art of sports audio
The Bay Area Reporter: LGBTQ community journalism
The best of the best: Magazine and yearbook Pacemakers
The best of the best: Newspaper and online Pacemakers
The columnist
The new frontier of sports media
The old can be new for your design
The person in the room: Perspective and narrative in photo stories and essays
Thrown into the deep end
To print or not to print?
Transparency and trust: Increase transparency and build trust with your audience
Trauma-informed reporting
TV investigative news: Yes, you can do it. No, it won’t kill you.
Urban photo magazine stories: Tough stories on the streets
Using strong reporting and community engagement to connect with the skeptical, distrustful and discouraged
Visual storytelling techniques: From idea to edit
Visual storytelling through photography
Watch your language
What generative AI could mean for student media
What we’re looking for in hiring visual storytellers
What’s going on with these designs?
What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine? A student-media guide to copyright
Where have all the journalists gone?
Why cultural diversity and inclusion is more important than ever
Women’s work: How to lead the media
Writing for The Athletic
Your story, your voice